5 Heel Pain Treatments that Work

Apr 2, 2023

If you’re experiencing heel pain, you’re likely wondering what kind of treatments are available to you that will reduce your pain not just temporarily but for the long term.

Here at Burlington County Foot & Ankle Associates, Inc., we’re committed to providing a wide range of treatments for heel pain, each of which has been clinically proven to help patients like you regain their mobility.

Treatments for Heel Pain

For nearly three decades, Dr. John DePalma has been serving patients at Burlington County Foot & Ankle Associates. While some tried-and-true treatments for heel pain have remained unchanged, others have been developed using today’s latest technologies.

Here’s a breakdown of the five heel pain treatments that Dr. DePalma most often recommends to his patients:


RICE is one of the simplest yet most reliable methods for treating pain in your heels. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

Resting your feet reduces inflammation, eliminates further stress on the heels, and gives your body time to heal. Applying ice to your heels causes your blood vessels to constrict, which limits swelling and also numbs the area so you can experience some temporary pain relief. Compression is accomplished by using bandages or braces that not only provide stability but also limit your movement to prevent further damage to the underlying tissue. Elevating your heel(s) above your heart level can improve blood flow and reduce swelling.

The RICE method is often recommended for mild to moderate heel pain. It’s an effective treatment method that can reduce your pain and discomfort while in the comfort of your own home.

Physical Therapy

Whether your heel pain is caused by plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, bursitis, or another common issue, enrolling in a physical therapy program is a fantastic way to not only alleviate your heel pain but also strengthen your heels and improve your range of motion.

Your physical therapist will be well-versed in exercises that target heel pain, and they’ll closely guide you through the exercises so you can feel reassured that you are performing them correctly and are not putting yourself at risk of further injury. Physical therapy works because your program will be personalized, and it will include specific goals that can help you get the most out of your treatment as well as ensure long-term success.

Changing in Footwear to More Supportive Shoes

The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. This can sometimes be caused by wearing improper footwear. If your shoes do not provide ample support or do not fit you well, you risk putting excessive strain on the ligament known as the plantar fascia.

Dr. DePalma has found that sometimes heel pain patients just need to change their footwear. A supportive and comfortable pair of shoes can go a long way in terms of treating your heel pain. Dr. DePalma would be happy to share some footwear recommendations with you so that you can invest in shoes that are made well and offer the support you’ll need to stand, walk, run, and perform other physical movements.

Lady holding a custom orthotic for treating heel pain

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics are medical devices that deliver significant pain relief to patients with heel pain. They are shoe inserts that are made specifically for you after our team captures a precise mold of your feet.

It’s important to know that custom orthotics bear no comparison to over-the-counter shoe inserts that you can find at your local drugstore. Custom orthotics are typically more expensive because they are custom-made and manufactured using durable materials.

At Burlington County Foot & Ankle Associates, Dr. DePalma can prescribe high-arched orthotics for you that provide total contact with the sole of the feet. Designed by a team of engineers, our custom orthotics offer exceptional support and cushioning.

Custom orthotics can even help correct your biomechanical posture, which can alleviate the pain you may be experiencing in your legs and/or back.

MLS Laser Therapy

Dr. DePalma is thrilled to be able to offer MLS laser therapy at his practice in Medford, New Jersey. MLS laser therapy is one of the latest—and greatest—treatment options for heel pain.

This non-invasive heel pain treatment uses a robotic laser to deliver precise doses of light that penetrate deep into the underlying tissues in and around your heel. When the light reaches those damaged tissues, it signals your body to activate its natural healing response. The laser’s powerful lights increase blood flow and promote cell turnover/regeneration. This delivers long-lasting results.

MLS laser therapy requires multiple treatment sessions approximately 15 minutes in length. During the session, you’ll simply sit back and remain still. After the treatment, you can leave our office and go about your day as usual.

MLS laser therapy has been approved by the FDA, and it’s safe for people of all ages. Best of all, MLS laser therapy can be used alongside other proven treatment methods, including custom orthotics and physical therapy.

Contact Us for Heel Pain Treatments

If you’re looking for heel pain treatments that work, count on Burlington County Foot & Ankle Associates, Inc. to recommend the ones that will be the most suitable for your condition. During your appointment, Dr. DePalma will share his knowledge and insights with you about these and other heel pain treatments so you can get back on your feet as soon as possible.

We encourage you to schedule an appointment for your heel pain at your earliest convenience. Don’t let your heel pain get worse or ignore it. Ignoring your heel pain can lead to compensatory movements, an altered gait, and the overuse of other muscles and joints, which can increase the risk of further injury or chronic pain. We’re here for you and we can keep you walking!

You can reach our office by calling 609-714-0052. Our office is located at 520 Stokes Road, Suite C-5 in Medford. Dr. DePalma looks forward to meeting you soon so he can promptly treat your heel pain with methods he’s confident will work for you.


520 Stokes Road,
Suite C-5
Medford, NJ 08055

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